Teaching performance and learning evaluation of students of the par cycle of the specialty of language, literature and communication of the unmsm faculty of education, 2020


  • Jorge Saldaña Del Aguila Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Mirtha Guiop Valqui Universidad Cesar Vallejo
  • Rosa Elizabeth Rossell Carrasco Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos




Teaching performance, learning evaluation, university students


The study to established relationship between teaching performance and the evaluation of learning in students of the even cycle of the language, literature and communication specialty of the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. The Peruvian educational system is crisis, reflected in the poor quality of the service offered by the country's schools; this critical situation violates the fundamental right of all to a quality education. Reason that Law 30220 contemplated in the university educational system to improve. Quantitative approach, non-experimental, correlational design and basic (Hernández et al., 2014). Applying instruments validated by expert judgment, to 120 participants, non-probabilistic sample. Levels for teaching performance observed: medium (45.7%), high (31.5%) and low (22.8%); and in the evaluation of learning, the following levels observed, in process (40.2%), achievement (31.5%) and initiation (28.3%). In the inferential statistics, a moderate correlation was evidenced (r = 0.630); for specific hypothesis 1 (r = 0.605), specific 2 (r = 0.676); and specific 3 (r = 0.645). It to conclude that there is a relationship between teaching performance and the evaluation of positive and significant learning in students of the Faculty of Education of the UNMSM.


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How to Cite

Saldaña Del Aguila, J., Guiop Valqui, M. ., & Rossell Carrasco, R. E. . (2021). Teaching performance and learning evaluation of students of the par cycle of the specialty of language, literature and communication of the unmsm faculty of education, 2020. IGOBERNANZA, 4(15), 72–99. https://doi.org/10.47865/igob.vol4.2021.128