Pre-professional pedagogical practices and knowledge about the 2017 national curriculum


  • Magaly Sulca Pacompia Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



pre professional practices, pedagogy, national curriculum


Objective: To know the relationship between preprofessional pedagogical practices and knowledge about the 2017 National Curriculum in the students of the Manuel Gonzales Prada Higher Pedagogical Institute, Lima, 2018. Material and methods: To gather information, information sheets and a survey were prepared. , which were validated through expert judgment and their reliability was established by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The methodology used in the present work was quantitative, of a descriptive correlational type. The design was not experimental. The research is classified as transversal. Result: The results allow us to affirm that there is a linear, direct and significant relationship between pre-professional practices and knowledge about the 2017 National Curriculum. Conclusions: It is established that pre-professional pedagogical practices and knowledge about the 2017 National Curriculum in students of the Manuel Gonzales Prada Higher Pedagogical Institute, Lima in 2018 are dependent with a coefficient of significance equal to 0.0.


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How to Cite

Sulca Pacompia , M. . . (2021). Pre-professional pedagogical practices and knowledge about the 2017 national curriculum. IGOBERNANZA, 4(16), 426–439.